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Cryptographic mechanisms

Here you will find a brief definition of the cryptographic mechanisms used by Seald.

Their implementation used in Seald is SSCrypto.

Randomness generation

Depending on the target environment, different random generators are used:

Asymmetric key pair generator

The keys used are of type RSA (see RFC 8017).

Depending on the target environment, different asymmetric key pair generators are used:

Symmetric encryption

To encrypt symmetrically, two algorithms are used to ensure both confidentiality and integrity: an encryption scheme that provides confidentiality only, and a MAC to ensure integrity.


Two symmetric keys are used

  • a 256-bit encryption key noted encryptionKey;
  • a 256-bit key for the MAC, noted authenticationKey.

Their concatenation in this order is noted messageKey.


Keys are used for an indefinite period of time for the data they protect.


Symmetric encryption of clearText with a messageKey (concatenation of encryptionKey and authenticationKey) to obtain cipheredMessage is done as follows

  • generation of a random initialization vector denoted iv of 128 bits;
  • encryption:
  • MAC:
    • algorithm: HMAC-SHA-256 (see RFC 6234 §8.3);
    • argument (message_array in RFC 6234): the concatenation of iv and cipherText;
    • key (key in RFC 6234): authenticationKey;
    • result: hmac;
  • return: cipheredMessage which is the concatenation of iv, cipherText, and hmac.


Symmetric decryption of cipheredMessage (concatenation of iv, cipherText, and hmac) with a messageKey (concatenation of encryptionKey and authenticationKey) to obtain clearText is done as follows:

  • MAC:
    • algorithm: HMAC-SHA-256 (see RFC 6234 §8.3);
    • argument (message_array in RFC 6234): the concatenation of iv and cipherText;
    • key (key in RFC 6234): authenticationKey;
    • result: hmac;
  • comparison of hmac with hmac2, if equal continue;
  • decryption:
  • return clearText.


When using the SDK, cipheredMessage is put in an envelope format:


The implementation used depends on the target environment;

Asymmetric cryptography

The keys used are of type RSA (see RFC 8017).

One pair of keys is reserved for encryption operations, another for signature operations.


The keys are generated with a modulus n of 4096 bits and a public exponent e of 65537.


These keys are generated for a duration not exceeding 157680000 seconds (5 years), with a default lifetime of 94608000 seconds (3 years).

Asymmetric encryption

The asymmetric encryption of a clearText with a public key (n,e) given to obtain cipheredMessage is performed as follows

  • computing a checksum of type CRC32 (see POSIX.1-2017 §chksum) on clearText to give crc32 of length 32 bits;
  • encryption:
    • RSAES-OAEP algorithm (see RFC 8017 §7.1.1) with the following parameters:
      • SHA1 as the hash function
      • MGF1-SHA1 (see RFC 8017 §B.2.1) as the mask generation function
      • the L label left empty
    • argument (noted M in RFC 8017 §7.1.1): concatenation of crc32 and cleartext
    • key used (noted (n,e) in RFC 8017 §7.1.1): public key of the recipient
    • result `cipheredMessage
  • return: cipheredMessage


The use of SHA-1 as a hash function in RSAES-OAEP is robust and compliant with RGS v2.0 (see §B1.2.2.2), even considering that collisions are possible. For more information, see What Hashes Make RSA-OAEP Secure?.

Asymmetric decryption

Asymmetric decryption of a cipheredMessage with a private key denoted K given to obtain clearText is performed as follows:

  • decryption:
    • RSAES-OAEP algorithm (see RFC 8017 §7.1.2) with the following parameters:
      • SHA1 as the hash function;
      • MGF1-SHA1 (see RFC 8017 §B.2.1) as mask generation function;
      • the L label left empty;
    • argument (noted C in RFC 8017 §7.1.2): concatenation of crc32 and cleartext;
    • key used (noted K in RFC 8017 §7.1.2): private key of the recipient;
    • result decipheredMessage;
  • decompose decipheredMessage into crc32 and clearText;
  • compute a checksum of type CRC32 (see POSIX.1-2017 §chksum) on clearText to give crc32-2 of length 32 bits;
  • compare crc32 and crc32-2, if equal continue;
  • return: clearText.


The production of a signature signature of a textToSign using a private key denoted K is performed as follows:

  • signature:
    • RSASSA-PSS algorithm (see RFC 8017 §8.1.1), using in the first step the EMSA-PSS encoding (see RFC 8017 §9.1.1) with the following parameters:
      • SHA256 as the hash function;
      • MGF1(see [RFC 8017 §B.2.1]( withSHA256` as the hash function;
      • sLen: the maximum length worth 478 bytes given the chosen hash function and the length of the chosen key module;
    • argument (noted M in RFC 8017 §8.1.1): textToSign;
    • key used (noted K in RFC 8017 §8.1.1): Private key of the signer;
    • result: signature;
  • return: signature.

Signature verification

Verification of a signature signature of a textToSign using a public key denoted (n,e) associated with the private key K used to sign is performed as follows:

  • signature verification:
    • RSASSA-PSS algorithm (see RFC 8017 §8.1.1), using in the first step the EMSA-PSS encoding (see RFC 8017 §9.1.1) with the following parameters:
      • SHA256 as the hash function;
      • MGF1 (see RFC 8017 §B.2.1) with SHA256 as the hash function;
      • sLen: the maximum length worth 478 bytes given the chosen hash function and the length chosen for the key module;
    • arguments:
    • key used (noted (n,e) in RFC 8017 §8.1.2): signer's public key;
    • result: boolean signatureIsValid indicating if the signature is valid for the message;
  • return: signatureIsValid.


The implementation used depends on the target environment;

Key derivation

Deriving a key from a passphrase and a salt to obtain key is done as follows

  • derivation:
    • algorithm: SCrypt, with the following parameters:
      • N: 16384;
      • r: 8;
      • p: 1;
      • output size: 64 bytes;
    • arguments: passphrase and salt given;
    • result: key;
  • return: key.


The implementation used depends on the target environment;