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Type alias: SDKConstructor

SDKConstructor: (args) => SealdSDK


args: Object

args.apiURL?: string

The Seald server URL to use.

args.appId: string

The appId given to you by Seald. It is the unique identifier of your application for Seald's servers.

args.createEncryptionSessionCache?: (args) => EncryptionSessionCache | Promise<EncryptionSessionCache>

args.databaseKey?: string

If you are using a persistent database, the key to encrypt it with. A random string of at least 32 alphanumeric characters, stored by your back-end and given after authentication, is recommended. This will be derived into the actual encryption key.

args.databasePath?: string

If you want to have a persistent database, use this argument. On Node, takes a directory path. On the browser, takes an arbitrary string that will be a localStorage key. If not given, defaults to a memory-only non-persistent database.

args.databaseRawKey?: string

If you are using a persistent database, the raw key to encrypt it with. This MUST be the Base64 string encoding of a cryptographically random buffer of 64 bytes. This avoids deriving the databaseKey with scrypt. If you have any doubt, use databaseKey instead.

args.encryptionSessionCacheCleanupInterval?: number

Interval in milliseconds between auto cleans of the cache. Defaults to Math.max(encryptionSessionCacheTTL, 10000), which means equal to encryptionSessionCacheTTL with a minimum of 10s. Set to 0 to force default. Set to -1 to disable automatic cleanup.

args.encryptionSessionCacheTTL?: number

Duration of cache lifetime in milliseconds. -1 to cache for lifetime. Default to 0 (no cache).

args.getRSAKeyPromise?: (size?) => Promise<string>

args.hairlessURL?: string

The Seald URL to use for documents for non-Seald users. Only change it if asked to by the Seald team.

args.keySize?: 1024 | 2048 | 4096

Change the Asymmetric key size for newly generated keys. Defaults to 4096. Warning: for security, it is extremely not recommended to lower this value. For advanced use only.

args.nedbClient?: NedbClient

To manually pass a follicle database client instance to the SDK. For advanced use only.

args.plugins?: SDKPlugin[]

Array of plugins to add to this SDK instance.

args.scrypt?: SCrypt

To manually pass an SCrypt implementation to override the current SDK's default implementation. Must take a Buffer for password, another Buffer for salt, derive them with SCrypt with parameters N=16384, r=8, p=1, an output length of 64 bytes, and return the output as a binary Buffer. For advanced use only.

args.shouldWaterfallApi?: boolean

Should all requests to Seald's servers be serialized. Safer, but may be a bit slower. Defaults to false.

args.sscrypto?: SSCrypto

To manually pass an SSCrypto implementation to override the current SDK's default implementation. For advanced use only.

