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DashboardAPI Events

When your users interact with the Seald SDK, they generate events. You can access these events from your Seald dashboard, or through the DashboardAPI, to track the actions performed by the Seald SDK.

You can find here a description of each of these events.

Event CodeDescription
JOIN_TEAMA user has joined a team
MESSAGE_CREATEA message is created
MESSAGE_TOKEN_CREATED_FORA user added an EncryptedMessageKey to a user
USER_LOGGEDA user authenticated himself to the API
GROUP_CREATEDA user created a group
DEVICE_ADDEDA user added a device to his account
USER_ADDKEY_REENCRYPTA user reencrypted a data to another user
DEVICE_REVOKED_USERA user revoked his own device
CHECK_FAILED_ACL_FORWARDAn operation failed requiring ACL_FORWARD right
MESSAGE_TOKEN_ENTRUSTED_CREATED_FORA user added an EntrustedMessageKey to someone
MESSAGE_ENTRUSTED_READA non-Seald user has read an encrypted file successfully
MESSAGE_READ_UNAUTHORIZEDA user tried to read unauthorized data
CHECK_FAILED_ACL_REVOKEAn operation failed requiring ACL_REVOKE right
MESSAGE_READ_OKA user retrieved keys to read data
CHECK_FAILED_ACL_READAn operation failed requiring ACL_READ right
GROUP_REMOVED_MEMBERA Seald user has been removed from a group
GROUP_RENEW_KEYSA group renewed his key pairs
GROUP_ADDED_MEMBERA Seald user has been added to a group by a Seald user.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_USER__USERAccess rights to a user have been revoked by another user.
MESSAGE_READ_UNAUTHORIZED_REVOKEDA Seald user that was revoked from an encrypted file has tried to open it.
GROUP_ADDED_ADMINA Seald user has been added to a group by an admin
GROUP_REMOVED_ADMINA Seald user has been removed from a group by an admin
GROUP_ADDED_MEMBER_SELFA Seald user added himself to a group
GROUP_REMOVED_MEMBER_DASHBOARDA Seald user has been removed from a group by an admin
MESSAGE_REVOKED_ALL__USERAll access rights that could be revoked were revoked by a user.
GROUP_CHECK_INIT_REVOKE_DASHBOARDGroup has not been initialized properly, therefore has been revoked
USER_ADDKEY_ADMINAn administrator has added an encryption key for a message to a user's device.
MESSAGE_ENTRUSTED_READ_UNAUTHORIZEDAn unauthorized non-Seald user has tried to open an encrypted file.
MESSAGE_ENTRUSTED_READ_UNAUTHORIZED_REVOKEDA non-Seald user that was revoked from an encrypted file has tried to open it.
MESSAGE_ENTRUSTED_READ_BROWSER_INSTEAD_SEALDA registered Seald user has tried to open an encrypted file with the browser (like non-Seald users) instead of with the Seald app.
GET_OTPA non-Seald user has requested access to an encrypted file.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_EMAIL__USERAccess rights to a non-Seald user have been revoked by a user.
DEVICE_REVOKED_ADMINA device has been reovked by an administrator.
USER_DISABLEDA user was deactivated by an administrator.
MESSAGE_READ_FAILED_DEVICEA Seald user that has access to an encrypted file has tried to open it with one of their devices that does not have access to said file (should never happen).
MESSAGE_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_USER_TrueRead-only has been unset on the message.
MESSAGE_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_USER_FalseRead-only has been set on the message.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_PROXY__USERA Proxy Message Key has been revoked by a Seald user
ACL_CHANGED_PROXYMESSAGEKEYA Proxy Message Key ACL has been changed
MESSAGE_SET_SELF_DESTRUCT_DATEAn expiry date has been set on the message.
ACL_CHANGED_MESSAGEACCESSA Message Access ACL has been changed
ACL_CHANGED_ENTRUSTEDMESSAGEKEYAn Entrusted Message Key ACL has been changed
SYM_ENC_KEY_CREATEA Symetric Encrypted Message Key has been created
ACL_CHANGED_SYMENCRYPTEDMESSAGEKEYA Symetric Encrypted Message Key ACL has been changed
SYM_ENC_KEY_FIND_GET_DATAA Symetric Encrypted Message has been used by a Seald user to retrieve data.
SYM_ENC_KEY_SELF_FORWARDA Symetric Encrypted Message has been used by a Seald user to convert data.
ANONYMOUS_SYM_ENC_KEY_FINDA Symetric Encrypted Message has been used by an anonymous user to retrieve data.
SYM_ENC_KEY_DELETEA Symetric Encrypted Message has been deleted.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_SYMENCKEY__USERA Symetric Encrypted Message has been deleted by a Seald user.
GROUP_ADDED_MEMBER_TMRA TwoMenRule Temporary Key has been added to a group
MESSAGE_TMRKEY_CREATEA TwoMenRule Message Key has been created
MESSAGE_TMRKEY_CONVERT_CONVERTEDA TwoMenRule Message Key has been converted
MESSAGE_TMRKEY_CONVERT_DELETEDA TwoMenRule Message Key has been deleted
MESSAGE_REVOKED_TMR_KEYA TwoMenRule Message Key has been revoked
MESSAGE_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_ADMIN_FalseRead-only has been set on the message by an administrator.
MESSAGE_ALLOW_DOWNLOAD_ADMIN_TrueRead-only has been unset on the message by an administrator.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_USER_ADMINAccess rights to a user have been revoked by an administrator.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_EMAIL_ADMINAn Entrusted Message Key has been revoked by an administrator.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_ALL_ADMINAll access rights that could be revoked were revoked by an administrator.
GROUP_CREATED_DASHBOARDAn admin created a group
ADMIN_MESSAGE_TOKEN_CREATED_FORA new recipient was authorized by an admin for an encrypted file
ADMIN_MESSAGE_TOKEN_ENTRUSTED_CREATED_FORAn administrator has added an encryption key for a non-seald user to an encrypted message.
GROUP_RENEW_KEYS_DASHBOARDAn admin has renewed Group keys
GROUP_ADDED_MEMBER_DASHBOARDAn admin has added an Seald user on a Group
GROUP_ADDED_ADMIN_DASHBOARDAn admin has added an Admin on a Group
GROUP_REMOVED_ADMIN_DASHBOARDAn admin has removed an Admin from a Group
GROUP_FULL_REVOKE_DASHBOARDAn admin has revoked a Group.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_EMAIL__ADMIN2An admin has revoked an Entrusted Message Key from a message.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_USER__ADMIN2An admin has revoked a Seald user from a message.
MESSAGE_REVOKED_ALL__ADMIN2An admin has revoked all recipients of a message.
GET_OTP_SMSAn challenge has been sent by SMS to a Seald user.
GROUP_TMRTK_CREATEA TwoMenRule Temporary Key has been created.
GROUP_TMRTK_DELETEA TwoMenRule Temporary Key has been deleted.
TMR_KEY_CREATEA TwoMenRule Key has been created.