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Type Alias: Recipients

Recipients: {connectors: {type: string;value: string; }[];proxySessions: (string | {id: string; })[];sealdIds: (string | {id: string; })[];userIds: string[]; }

Type declaration


optional connectors: {type: string;value: string; }[]

Connectors are assigned to users of your app to refer to them.


optional proxySessions: (string | {id: string; })[]

The IDs of EncryptionSession


optional sealdIds: (string | {id: string; })[]

Internal Seald IDs. Returned for users with sdk.getCurrentAccountInfo, for groups when creating them.


optional userIds: string[]

The IDs of users inside your app. DEPRECATED. Use connectors instead. Connectors corresponding to userIds are of type AP and value ${userId}@${appId}