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How to use Seald in CLI

Seald-CLI tool

Once Seald-CLI is installed, it should be available in a terminal.

$ seald command

For example :

$ seald --version
seald-cli headless vX.X.XX / linux


Only one instance of Seald-CLI can be used simultaneously per database. To specify the database, refer to the option --seald-dir

Seald desktop application

It is possible to use the desktop application from the command line.

To use the command line application, the application must not be already launched.


On Windows, you must use the seald-cli.bat script present in Seald's installation directory.

cd %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Seald
seald-cli --version
# seald-app headless vX.X.XX / windows


Note: If Seald is installed globally instead of only for the current user, the path will instead be %ProgramFiles%\Seald or %ProgramFilesX86%\Seald.


Note: Because of Windows old CLI system, the command logs may overwrite the command prompt and make it appear as if the command has not finished even though it has. To check, do not hesitate to press Enter from time to time to check if there is a prompt.


On macOS, you just have to start Seald's executable with the --headless argument in the first position.

$ /Applications/ --headless --version
seald-app headless vX.X.XX / darwin


On Linux, you just have to start Seald's executable with the --headless argument in the first position.

$ /path/Seald-X.X.XX.AppImage --headless --version
seald-app headless vX.X.XX / linux

Encrypted database

Data used by the Seald application is stored in an encrypted database.

During account creation, the user will be prompted for a database encryption password. This prompt can be skipped using the --disable-db-password option.

If a password is set, all of the subsequent commands will need this password to be repeated.

The database password can be set, modified, or deleted at any time using the change-db-password command.


You can provide the database password in the SEALD_DB_PASSWORD environment variable to avoid getting prompted on each start.