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Advanced options

Installer options (Windows)

Installation per user or per workstation

By default, if the user double-clicks the installer, the Seald application is installed in the User directory (under %LOCALAPPDATA%\Programs\Seald), to be able to work without admin rights and allow easy updates. The disadvantage is that, on a shared device, every user has to install the application and perform updates independently.

To perform a global installation on the machine, simply add the option /allusers. The Seald application is then installed in Program Files and is accessible to all users.

Seald-Setup-x.x.x.exe /allusers

Silent installation

Also, the installer uses a graphical interface by default. To perform a silent install, you may run the installer with the /S option.

Therefore, to perform a global silent install, you can run the command:

Seald-Setup-x.x.x.exe /S


To perform an update, use the same command with the new installer executable.

The latest version of the application is always available at the address

Configuration file

By default, the Seald desktop application reads and writes into the Windows registry (to check that it is associated correctly to Seald files and associate if necessary, to configure the auto-start on login, and for other features) and tries to update automatically.

This behaviour, useful when a user installs the app themselves, can be undesirable in an enterprise environment.

In addition to the user-accessible options, the configuration file config.json has options to disable these features.

The configuration file is in the JSON format (MDN, Wikipedia). It is created automatically on the first start of the application, or completed if certain keys are missing. Do not hesitate to create a partial file after the installation that only has the options that you want to change from the defaults.

Please take care to not modify the file as the application is running. Your changes would not be taken into account and would be overwritten.


On Windows

The configuration file is located in the %APPDATA%\Seald\ folder, for example C:\Users\username\AppData\Roaming\Seald\config.json.

On macOS

The configuration file is located in the ~/Library/Application Support/Seald/config.json folder.

On Linux

The configuration file is located in the ~/.config/Seald/config.json folder.


  • "autoUpdate": This options allows to configure the update behaviour. It is modifiable in the preferences window, but certain options are only available by modifying the configuration file. The possible values are:
    • "unset" (default) which alerts on the first update, then automatically changes to "always" (except if the checkbox asking for automatic installation is unchecked, then it changes to "ask");
    • "always" which installs updates automatically;
    • "ask" which asks before installing an update;
    • "never" which does nothing when an update is available, but still allows to check manually;
    • "disable", which completely disables the update system, and makes it unavailable to the end-user in the preferences (this value is only possible when editing the config file)
  • "windowsRegistry" (Windows only): This option allows to inform the app of what it can and cannot do in the registry. The possible values are:
    • "READ_WRITE" (default) which allows reading and writing in the registry. The user will be able to install the file associations, and enable/disable the auto-start on login;
    • "READ_ONLY" which allows reading in the registry, but not writing. This prevents installing the file associations and enabling/disabling the auto-start on login, but can be useful for other things like determining the default browser, or detecting if Outlook is installed in order to install the plugin;
    • "DISABLED" which completely disables reading and writing into the registry. This prevents installing the file associations and enabling/disabling the auto-start on login, and certain features like detecting the default browser and Outlook will use less reliable fallback solutions.

For example, after a global installation, on a system forbidding registry writes to users, the admin could write a config.json file:

  "autoUpdate": "disable",
  "windowsRegistry": "READ_ONLY"

Programmatic usage

The Seald application can be used programmatically. For this purpose, refer to the CLI documentation.